Monday, 23 May 2016

I deserve cake!

Yes, I do! I've completed the Gift Aid claim and sent it off! Took 37 attempts but good old English imprecations such as "Drat" and "Double Drat" and "Bother" and "Goodness Gracious" and "Trudget" won the day. Joyce, Jodie and the whole population of Malinding village held their breath and crossed their fingers and it worked!
Talking of Malinding there's still a couple of days left to download the free, revised version of Empty Bananas from Amazon eBooks. Jodie wants me to mention that she's the first character you meet when you start to read the book (unless you start at the back!)
I need a cup of tea and a piece of cake. Ah, Jodie has a very guilty look on her face ...
P.S. Not all this post is fiction!

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