Saturday, 21 May 2016

How it works

Every little helps, they say. Well, here's an example. GOES is funding the travel from a small Gambian village to Dakar in Senegal of a young boy. He needs urgent medical treatment that isn't available at home. So, they asked and we agreed to help. The funding came from the sales of a couple of dozen 'Malinding Village' eBooks, an eBay sale of a couple of donated items, part of a regular monthly gift-aided donation (thanks A - you know who you are!) and a bit of topping up from us.
I received a text message from the little boy's father yesterday - they've arrived safely in Dakar (in spite of the Gambian/Senegal border being closed) and the child will be attended to in the hospital today.
Every little helps! (Please keep buying the books - you never know who is going to benefit!)
Best wishes,

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