Monday, 4 January 2016

Books about Gambia

Well to be honest not exactly about Gambia. They are works of fiction set mainly in a fictional village (please don't follow the directions to Malinding given in the books - you'll get very very wet and possible eaten by crocodiles if you do!)
However, if you're thinking of going to Gambia you'll learn a little about village life, how to make Ataya, good manners when you visit the Alkalo (chief) and how to eat like a proper Gambian!
If you're not thinking of visiting please change your mind and go - the people are some of the friendliest on Earth, many speak English (plus half a dozen other languages) and the food includes recipes you'll treasure for the rest of you life.
The country is famous throughout the world for bird watching and sunshine and smiling people. Snags? Mosquitoes - make sure you have proper protection such as Malarone, insect repellent and try to get used to sleeping under a mosquito net.
Beware! Advertisement follows!
We run a small charity, (Gambian Occasional Emergency Support - GOES for short) which helps a couple of schools, a clinic and a hospital with emergency funding. We tithe our incomes, collect from friends, and sell the Malinding series of Kindle eBooks on Amazon. Every penny and pound is paid into the charity and we take nothing out for any sort of expense - we pay our own way!
The books are:
Stories for Gambian Children,
Empty Bananas,
The Alkalo,
The Mechanical Girl,
Chasing Freedom Home,
Story's End and
Happy Nest - Malinding Village Archive.

All the books, excepting the first, contain adult material.
All income from the sales of the books goes (!) directly into GOES bank account (and very soon afterwards to help someone in need in Gambia.

Thanks for reading this,
Best wishes to all for 2016,

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