Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Busy, busy!

GOES has had a busy few days - firstly, we've had money in from the sale of ebooks (the Malinding series on Kindle), income from sales on EBay, donations from friends and family. Don't all rush - it comes into the account and goes (! sorry!) out again almost immediately. This has helped a young man with medical costs associated with a badly damaged leg, repairs to a family house so it will be water tight when the rains come, money to buy rice to feed a very poor family and school fees for several children. 

If you would like to sponsor a very hard working young man's studies we can put you in touch with him. He's bright, very keen to gain qualifications and an income to support his extended family.

We sent some money to The Gambia today and were delighted and surprised to be question by one of the bank staff about our work and what help we would like. Fingers crossed (which will make the editing of the ebooks difficult but may bring good luck to GOES!)

We also heard from HMRC that they are making it easier to claim Gift Aid on donations.

Two months ago we returned from The Gambia to our home feeling very despondent about progress. We then both had health worries. I felt life would be much better if we gave up working with the charity (if you add both our ages together it comes to 149 years) but today we'll carry on. We can't let our African friends down.

I do rant on, don't I? Sorry - back to work. Is that a piece of cake I see?

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