Sunday, 9 February 2014

Actions or words?

I seem to have grumbled on about cafes which are writer unfriendly just a bit too much perhaps. Maybe I should just get on with the writing? I've been spoiled by having the use of three wonderful writer-friendly cafes in the past. First, Borders Bookshop in Warrington. Somehow, it was just right (write?). Friendly, full of interesting people (not only writers) and sympathetic to GOES - the collection box was always full.
 Next, Hatter's CafĂ©, in Hatter's Row, Warrington. I was so very sad to see it close. The staff, and many of the customers, had become friends and were interested in GOES and the work it does in The Gambia. Hatter's too provided a home for another collection box - which in turn provided education for many Gambian children and medical care for their parents.
 Finally, of course, the place where much of the 'Malinding' series of Kindle books have been written, Gladstone's Library at Hawarden in North Wales. If you haven't yet discovered this delightful place Google for it. William Gladstone, four times Prime Minister, gifted his own library to the Nation, so that books without readers and readers without books may be united. It's only disadvantage - I've already written pages about its advantages - are its distance from home and the expense of getting there. Remember, I'm trying to raise money, not spend it!
 So, the search goes on. At least, it's an excuse to drink coffee and eat cake, and it does get me out of the house! The search goes on - but I have managed to write a few hundred words here at the desk in our spare room at home!

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