Monday, 29 June 2009

Plans for the future.

We spent a pleasant afternoon with Jenny, our D of E Gold helper. Friut scones with jam and cream didn't spoil the enjoyment either! It's such a hard life being a charity trustee ...

Jenny's been doing some research about web sites and the pros and cons of free sites v. the paid for variety. Any one like to sponsor a web site?

We're going to run a feature about Manneh, the chap who makes mosquito nets in Banjul market. Over the years he's become a family friend, advisor and problem solver. He and his brother run the business, making excellent nets at a fraction of the price you would pay here. I really must find a good photograph to illustrate the article - I know I have some - somewhere!

We're also planning to move our activities even further up-country, away from the touristy areas. The picture above shows the damage done to a friend's property during the rainy season. Without building insurance where does the money come for repairs?
You're right - from the contributions you make to G.O.E.S. Thank you. Every penny you give to GambiaGOES finds its way to some body in need. We do not deduct anything for costs. That's part of our responsibility. Your £1 (converted at the moment to 42.5 dalasis) goes where it's needed. We do not drive around in a 4x4.
When we're in The Gambia we use bush taxis and when we're here it's either hop on the bus or coax the 12 year old Skoda into action! (Excellent car, greatly under rated! Honest!) for more information.

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