Sunday, 4 May 2008

Good news week!

Although neither Joyce nor I could make it to the awards ceremony for "The Cheshire Collection" anthology three of our writers, Celia, Polly and Chris ( drove down to London for the day to collect a prize for the best anthology published in support of a charity.
Many thanks to them for spending what seems to be a very tiring but rewarding day.
We also had a response to the appeal for help we published on Bantabar (a site for people looking for advice about The Gambia).
It seems that there is a youngster with the same condition as Alegie (osteomyelitis) in the next village - Lamin. Peggy, the lady who has been supporting him, has been most helpful with advice, 'phone numbers and costings. She has also provided a wheelchair which her boy no longer needs! Things are about to move - but there is a fly in the ointment! Ousman, our boy's big brother, has lost his phone. I was taking a replacement out for him but in the end I didn't go (see report below). So contact has been difficult. I sent Ous an email but he only reads his email when he has the money to go to the internet cafe ...
However, that's been solved by co-operation. I told Peggy the problem, Peggy told her driver, Lamin (from Lamin) to go to the village and tell Ousman to go to read his email and contact me so I can pass on the message about treatment for the boy. Easy. Gambian easy anyway!

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