Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Been a bit busy again

Hello again. J and I have been pottering round clinics and hospitals for a little maintenance and we are restored now to working order. We haven't been too idle - I've been conducting the usual struggle with TalkTalk, a firm which seems dedicated to making me spend more time calling the computer rude names than allowing me to complete GOES work without crashing (the computer, that is): if I get to spend 15 minutes without the machine crashing I'm having a good day!
Still, the days of TalkTalk are numbered - I'll let you all have the new address when everything is sorted out ... I need biscuits!
Our friend S has offered the Clinic a supply of medical goodies - I don't know exactly what but should find out soon.
The latest book - 'Jodie's Wheels'* is coming along at a steady pace, inspired by the coming Paralympics - hope Gambia can field a team again this year. I believe that it's more important to have the participation of teams from the smallest nations to make the Olympic spirit truly fulfilled.
P, a friend of J's, has made a very kind donation to GOES funds. We would love to be able to take on some new projects but money is a little tight at the moment.
*I think I posted a short extract here a while ago?

Best wishes to all of you,

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