Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Every little makes a lot!

You've received a payment from PayPal Giving Fund(formerly MissionFish).
Dear Tom,
We're pleased to tell you that GOES (Gambian Occasional Emergency Support) will receive a payment this month from PayPal Giving Fund. We are passing on donations made by eBay users through the eBay for Charity program, along with any Gift Aid we have reclaimed on donations paid out in previous months.
Your Payment Details
Date Paid:30-06-2015

(Funds will be delivered by BACS to the bank account that you have on file with us within 2-3 working days of this date)
Amount Paid:
eBay Give at Checkout£1.00
Payment From:PayPal Giving Fund UK


Well, that was welcome - every little helps! This was also very true last night. The writers' group we attend was joined by another group and enjoyed an evening of music, poetry and prose from some exceptionally talented people. During the event I was invited to talk a little about GOES' work in The Gambia, and afterwards a raffle was held to help raise funds. The raffle brought in £83 and donations (thank you - you know who you are!) made the total collected up to £103. As I've said before, people are wonderful!
Thanks again,
Best wishes
from Joyce & Tom.

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