Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Sorry! It's been a long time!

... a long time since I wrote a new post! We have been busy though - I'll try to remember what we've been doing.
Well, because we've had a few problems we decided it might be wise to postpone our visit to The Gambia till after the rainy season. This gave us the advantage that we had a little spare cash to donate to GOES. We had been spending quite a lot on posting medical goods - one parcel cost us nearly £70, which was a bit of a shock. So we changed course a little and set about finding what was available there or in Senegal. As a result, and with the help of a very senior medical lady we now go shopping by proxy for much needed supplies with the money we might have spent on postage. So far a major hospital doesn't have to worry about running out of wound dressings or zinc plasters for a few months! And that's only with the savings we made on the postage stamps!
 We were a little late in sending fees for medical school to one of our bright young students but she can start her course in September knowing that the money is safely in the bank.
 For no cost at all we've introduced several people to Future Learn  courses - FREE distance learning courses organised by UK universities. They normally last for 6 sessions, include Audio and video teaching and discussions between fellow students from all over the world. You can learn at your own pace, re-run lectures, and print off most of the information for future reference. I've made use of 3 of the courses myself so far and can testify to their quality.
 After a slow start the Malinding Village series of eBooks  is bringing in a small but useful income - all profits goes directly into GOES bank account.

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