Friday, 31 August 2012

Paralympics 2012

GOES sends greetings to Benba Janu and Ida N'yang, the first Gambians to represent their country at the Paralympics. We hope they enjoy the experience and find themselves among friends.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Some days are better than others!

As I said - some days are better than others! Writing the fourth book in the 'Malinding Village' series the other day I managed to add two and a half thousand words to the story. This volume has the working title of 'The Alkalo' and is based on the events which bring a woman to be elected chief of her village. Drove home feeling very cheerful, decided to put 'Empty Bananas' on free distribution again (two or three days left if you haven't read this first book of the series) and went to bed happy. Next morning the door fell off the garage where we keep the bikes! Nobody hurt = good. New door needed = expensive = bad! We've been a bit worried about finance for the Charity and this was a blow. Postman arrives, bringing a donation of £50 for GOES! Back to being cheerful again. Many thanks to our benefactor - you know who you are!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

'Mechanical Girl' free!

Just to let you all know that another book in the 'Malinding Village' series is available on Amazon (ebooks) on promotional free offer for five days (ending 15/08/12). Please feel free to download - if you enjoy this book you might like to buy the others in the series ('Empty Bananas' and 'Mussukunda') All proceeds go to GOES and from there to help needy people in The Gambia.
Many thanks and Happy Reading!

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Slowly, slowly ...

Progress is positive but a little slow - but it's still progress! A few more books sold, a few donations - but each and every one means more help can go to where it's most needed. 

We were happy to watch the progress of Saruba Colley, the Gambian athlete who ran in the 100m qualifying race. She ran her hardest but sadly wasn't placed for the final. Her family and friends can be very proud of her.

We're planning a visit to The Gambia later in the year. It will be good to visit friends, schools and clinics to see what progress is being made.

best wishes & fingers crossed for Gambian success in the Olympics and Paralympics!