Saturday, 26 December 2015

Boxing Day 2015

Well, friends visited and cake eaten, forgot about crackers but enjoyed the holiday. We've escaped the worst of the heavy rain and flood damage - in fact, it's unseasonally warm. We've managed to 'phone or message or text most of our Gambian friends and we'll keep trying to contact the others.
best wishes to all of you - long life, good health and happy nest!
Hope to see all of you in the village early next year!

Friday, 18 December 2015

Free book!

Hope this works - it's a link to 'Happy Nest', the latest in the Malinding village series. It's the village archive, to which the villagers have contributed mini-auto-biographies, poems, and in one case, a short story which relates how the writer, a teen aged village girl with a longing for education and a career as a nurse, encounters Ed, the anti-hero of the series, with hope but little expectation. Happy Nest is on offer, free, at Amazon, for five days from 18/12/2015

Of course we hope you'll buy the rest of the Malinding books - they fund the charity (Gambian Occasional Emergency Support - GOES) which supports education and the provision of medical care in the Gambia.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Sorry, Gambia

Apologies and explanation, especially for our Gambian friends: GOES paused activity because of the sudden serious illness and death of a close family member. We're slowly returning to normal and hope to be able to back to our usual quick service.
Thank you for your patience, and for the expressions of sympathy and goodwill,
Joyce & Tom

Monday, 7 December 2015

The power of Tweet!

I've been running a series of adverts for the Malinding eBooks on twitter. In each edition one of the minor characters - Jodie - gives her opinion of her fellow characters and bits of advice for travellers to the Gambia. Seems to be working quite well ... fingers crossed. Who knows what she'll get up to next time!