Sunday, 25 October 2015

Late again, sorry!

May we wish all our Muslim friends, both in Gambia and the UK, a very Happy New Year. May it bring you peace, good health, prosperity and a happy long life.
Sorry I'm a couple of days late (again).
Best wishes,

Friday, 16 October 2015

Hello again!

Sorry I've not written lately - please don't feel neglected. There's been a lot going on in our family here in England lately. Happy events, sad events, illness and recoveries. Normal life, of course.
Sorry you've been neglected. Listening to BBC Radio4 today, hearing Lemn Sissay's life story, brought my Gambian friends back into full view. Perhaps you know Lemn's poem 'Let There be Peace' ? If not you have a treat in store. It's one of those poems that say what I feel and wish for. (Wish I'd written it!)
GOES hasn't been idle during the time. Children's (and some adults) education fees have been paid. Mandinari Clinic's drug cupboard has been restocked and there's money on its way to help the hospital in Banjul in the same way. A small boy's eye has received attention, an old lady was able to make a much needed visit to a dentist, and a storm damaged house repaired.
We hope to visit out Gambian friends early in the New Year - if we can find travel insurance we can afford (we have made enquiries and received quotations in the region of £1500 ! Our pockets are not so deep, and even if they were we would rather send the money to people in need rather than greedy insurance companies. Still we keep looking! Just because I'll be 80 in a few months it doesn't mean I'll become a millionaire ...
So, we toddle along, doing what we can to help. There are so many people of talent in the Gambia - good, honest, hard-working people who go out of their way to help us, people who would (and have) give us their last cup of rice, who will offer a bed for a night, a meal, a story, wisdom and all with a smile: we repay what little we can.
Oh - and read that poem.
Best wishes,