Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The 'Malinding Village' library!

 Here are the covers of the four 'Malinding' series of books about life in The Gambia - and in England! Perhaps they are love stories, perhaps they are commentaries of social conditions in the two countries. What is certain is that every penny and pound from the sales of these Kindle ebooks goes to helping Gambian people. Please, if you haven't tried one, it's a way of donating small amounts to GOES - and you have a book in return as a 'thank you'!

 Thanks to Amieyo for letting us use her picture for this cover.
 This is amazingly hard work - I've tried it!
 The first book (I hope they have improved ... still, worth 75 pence?)
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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Free Book?

With a bit of luck 'Stories for Gambian Children' will again be available free of charge on Kindle for five days from tomorrow (15/05/13).
We're quite happy to do this for both Gambian and European schools - some of the stories are quite basic about reading and writing but a few others are about learning from one another ... enjoy!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

We should never forget the harm ...

 We should never forget the harm our ancestors did to Africa and African people. The best we can attempt is to learn from History the mistakes we made, and never repeat them
 We should appreciate the gentle, smiling, forgiveness and dignity with which Africans greet us, and do what we can, as individuals, to make reparation.
 Something which encourages me is the experience of chatting to Europeans we meet, many of whom support a family, an individual child or a whole school or clinic - whatever their resources allow. This puts so many first world governments, including our own, to shame.
 Look out through the archways which over look the great river at a peaceful country, inhabited by people on whom, one day, our futures may depend.
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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Sorry - must get my facts right!

Had a look at the blog. The donation was from M's cousin S, not from a relative of the wheelchair girl who is W's sister. Complicated!!
Thanks for the correction, Stuart!
I shall write out 50 times 'I must get my facts right!'  - when I have time to spare!
Off to Gladstone's library to work on the fifth book in the Malinding series - provisional title 'The Fifth Book'.
It all started off as a very short story - the opening chapter of 'Empty Bananas' - then I wondered what happened to the old man and the girl. A third of a million words later ...
Anyway, thanks again, S.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Faith, Hope and Charity!

We always have had great faith in the goodness and kindness of other people. It's world-wide, not confined to one race of people or one country.
Hope is a good element - we've been interviewed by the local newspaper (they even asked for photographs!) and we hope this will lead to an increase in the sales of the Malinding e-books and that will lead to an increase in funds for the charity ... one thing leads to another.
I was reading our local paper today and was very impressed by the reports of so many people doing good things to help other people - riding bikes for miles, rowing boats, walking - all to help others. I'm convinced that there are far more good people in the world than bad ones. For example, we mentioned a couple of days ago that we had been able to help a young lady get a good quality wheelchair. Yesterday we received a donation from her brother - a student - as a way of saying 'thank you' and to help us to help some one else.