Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Chance conversations

It's always worthwhile mentioning The Gambia when chatting to people. Today, for instance, I mentioned our work with GOES and found that the lady attending to my poorly toes is a member of a charity which funds medical work all over the world - including The Gambia. I looked at their wbsite, FMS - Festival Medical Services - so I've registered with them. Who knows what comes from a few words?
Joyce is riding her bike in a fund-raising cycle ride: about 20 miles on Sunday. She hopes to feed the GOES bank account before we go out again in December.
The first batch of Poems and Prose from VRWG sold well and we're hoping to have the next edition on sale in time for Christmas - wonderful presents!
The collection of old reading glasses is growing well, we could do with a few more old mobile 'phones, hint, hint!