Thursday, 3 September 2009

We have been busy - honestly!

Sorry for not keeping you up to date - time flies! However we can report (with your help and support of course) that:
M.B. has been able to waterproof her house (it's the rainy season now) and attend a course which will help her with her teaching career.
A.G. has been helped with funeral expenses and given a little help for the 40 day charity giving after the death of her sister.
Y.N. has received help with medical expenses for her young brother who has a serious heart condition. You've also given help so she can set up a stall in the local market which will provide employment for another member of her family.
O.S. received help to hire a tractor to prepare his smallholding for the growing season.
F.C. was helped with a grant to buy books for her nursing course, and a little 'fish money' so she could eat while studying!
E.F. was able to buy rice and medical care for his family.
T.S. also received a grant so she could rent and stock a stall selling cosmetics in the local market.
M.N. and his sister A.N. received school fees and money for uniforms and books so they can continue their studies at 6th form level.
Other people have received small grants to buy cement for house repairs, grants towards nursery education - the list goes on.
A provisional newsletter has been sent to contributors and friends - please contact us if you've not received yours.

Afterthought - if you're a newcomer to GOES and would like to make a donation please email us

Thanks for reading this.